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Andrew C. Weaver, PE, CFM, F.ASCE
Andy Weaver, P.E., F.ASCE, CFM, has worked in the field of Hydrology and Hydraulics for over 30 years. This includes 20+ years in private practice (as both a storm water design, floodplain, and municipal engineer), and 16 years in the public sector (as both an Assistant County Engineer and as Water Resources Engineer) for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Andy originally began in private practice, working for 9 years with a Surveying and Engineering Firm. After 16 years in County government Andy returned to private practice in 2012. This included 3 years at Rettew Associates, Inc. as a Senior Engineer doing Municipal Engineering and Flood Studies for bridge replacements in several counties across the state. After leaving Rettew in 2015, Andy founded Envalue Engineering to focus on flood studies full time, although many projects have included Storm Water Management and Erosion and Sediment Control plans, plus NPDES permits.
While employed by Lancaster County he was in charge of the county storm water management program, administering State and County grants and working closely with staff of the Pa. Department of Environmental Protection to keep the county in compliance with State law. During his years in the public sector Andy has worked with Franklin and Marshall College, USGS, USACE, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the Center for Watershed Protection, Lancaster County Clean Water Consortium, and the Lancaster County Conservation District in various initiatives to reduce pollution and flooding originating Lancaster County.
Andy became interested in watershed modeling in 1995 while working on the watershed models required by the Pennsylvania Storm Water Management Act. While working for Lancaster County, Andy developed watershed models for a total of 400 square miles of watershed in Lancaster, Berks, Lebanon, and Chester Counties to meet the requirements of the Pennsylvania Stormwater Management Act. He later continued this interest after returning to private practice in 2012. In 2016 Andy began publishing the results of the watershed modeling with a case study in the ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Drexel University and is a member of the Association of State Floodplain Managers and the Association of State Dam Safety Officials.